Sunday, November 2, 2008

Where do the hours go??

Can it be November already? I feel as though my amazing resolve to be diligent in our school hours has already gone by the wayside and told my oldest today that she would be doing math before they opened Christmas presents if we did not buckle down. Last week we had a great visit with Grandma but got very little done. Well, we did make homemade cheese and went to see a play at the Alliance (those count right??). This week between voting, which could take many hours and might provide an education in and of itself, and helping my sister get ready for the big show in two weekends ( we must get some book work done. I am doing a little reading on Charlotte Mason and how to combine her thoughts in my classical approach. Everyone I have ever met that states that they follow the Charlotte Mason approach appeals to me from the calm demeanor they have with their children. Spent today outside holding Denali and her friend captive on the see saw while I read to them the rules for a happy family life. We discussed the art of being respectful to all family members, the art of slaying your own dragons (making a plan to work on your not so perfect charactersitics), and the need to happily agree to disagree ( an art form I have a feeling will come in handy in most adult lives here in a few days once this election is over). All of this was a good reminder that we must continue to work on our relationships forever. I mentioned tonight to the girls that if we treasure our family, we must work out our issues and spend more time enjoying what each family member brings to the collective table. Hope this helps start the week off right. It looks to be a doozy of a week with all the running around and soccer tournaments and election stuff. I will be eating a lot of ice cream this week to cope with my non-stop action--- feel free to drop in for some anytime.

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