Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today's school

Wow- it gets harder each beautiful day to stay focused. We complete soccer this week which will free up a few nights. Also we have started a garden again. It will be small and so far I have managed to control Michael. One year, unbeknownst to me until it was 4 ft tall, we were growing corn. I have English garden in mind, Michael has wild unruly 45 acres where no one cares in mind. Anyway as we plant today, I will take pictures and hope to post for Wordless Wednesday. We are planting eggplant, squash, tomatoes, cucumber and many herbs which become costly. Last year we planted mint and are currently overrun with it. So if you are in the area and wish for mint, please feel free. We are having a better start to our day. Bryn has finished Spelling for the first grade. Denali is a few minutes short of finishing her Latin for class. She will need to review all summer so as not to lose her vocab. And Keely- well we are just trying to keep her occupied so she does not drive us all to madness. we have piano today so hopefully we will get new songs. Two weeks of the same song is a bit much for these short nonsense songs. But alas we have not taken up drums-- much to be grateful for!

1 comment:

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

That is hilarious about the corn! Are the kids helpful in the garden? I would love to have a garden...but I don't have the patience or the stamina to maintain it. It would be like a forgotten craft project :-)