Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My desk...
Ok well, I have different staging areas also. My real desk is in my family room with MY computer on it and a small laser jet printer. It has tape, staples, markers, etc. It is upon death that you would remove an item or rearrange this area without my knowledge. I may be small but I am willing to kill over losing a pair of scissors. Now as for my other areas, I have a shelf of teacher resources labeled in my school room. The kids have all their supplies on a lazy susan which I keep organized so we can continue to home school (otherwise I would spend my day looking for stuff with four children who like to drop and go). My last desk area involves my Momagenda and the small one drawer chest in the kitchen. It holds a paper sorter for filing and bills, gift cards (unused from Christmas--should definitely get on that), our keys for everything, and a dry erase calendar hanging above it. I still desire to color code my family but I have not found dry erase markers I like. If I were to code us, should I code people, types of activities, or just continue my lack of color coding so i pay close attention to the calendar because I have no game plan and must check and double check. I am still a paper pencil kinda gal and so I LOVE my planner. Only request would be spiral bound. Hmmmm- maybe I should suggest that for a free one. Anyway, my desk is a little mobile, but someday I wish for a lovely Pottery Barn kind of desk centrally located in my house so I can consolidate.

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